October 2012 : Eze, France


Èze is a village close to Nice, about 20 km if I talk by distance in meters and around 30 minutes if I start talking by time. I try to describe by both to satisfy both my non-European and European readers (if any). If there's anything I learned, it's that Europeans usually describe distances by meters, which I guess makes sense rather than talking by hours or minutes which is what I'm most accustomed to. So now, I begin to speak by meters, at least I try.


While this may seem like another travel blog, it isn't. It is my travel story and if you are in a search about what you can find in Eze, well, I can tell you right now. Stop reading. Because I cannot tell you that. Yes, unfortunately. Thankfully though I have a good friend, I bet you've already met him/her (if you want to put a gender on it, you decide which although I don't think it's logical to do so) and his/her name's Google. You can ask him/her about it and s/he will give you just about all the things you need to know about Eze.

Why the hell am I talking about Eze anyway.

Well, the other day, I was supposed to sign up for a trip to Avignon. Unfortunately, I wasn't granted a slot because all slots were taken. So instead of sulking in my room while my friends enjoy their 10 Euro trip, I went on a free trip (thanks to my unlimited bus card) to Eze.

You know what they say... that when you feel like stopping, always think about the reason you held on for so long ? And that you should keep going for you may never know that the next turn is your destination ? Well, I learned about that the hard way today... literally. Today, I took bus 100 to Eze and had to hike up to get to Eze Village. I know there's a bus that would take me there faster and easier but it's such a long (but interesting) story why I choose not to. I met two Australians along the way who I guess made it to the end. While I, however, because of health risks decided to turn back, get the next bus 100 back to Nice. I was feeling disappointed at myself specially after stumbling upon the bus that actually goes up the village proper right after settling on my seat in the bus back to Nice.

Well, I guess some things are just not meant to be. Back in Nice, though, I discovered this bubble tea shop (which was unfortunately closed) and a random mini-garage sale by Place Garibaldi where I was able to buy two clothes for only 2 Euros !


Even though I didn't make it to the destination, at least I tried. Some things are just more important and not worth risking... especially health. But I'm not giving up on you, Eze. I will be back... this time more prepared, and riding bus 83.

TravelLeniEze, France