Degustation du vin
I’m not a big fan of wine. I couldn’t even stand one glass of wine. But when a visit to the vineyard was in our itinerary, I did not hesitate to come. Being in France, how can you not drink (and love) wine ? So here goes my take on our dégustation du vin (wine tasting).

Saint Jean is around an hour, one bus and a creabus away from our university. I was looking forward to seeing the vineyard and all those fine sceneries we see in movies. However, for this free (if I might add) visit, we were only taken to the usine (factory) where they age and process the wine. It’s not actually a factory. It’s more of a charming house with an area that houses what you need for producing red, white and rosé wine.

We were served all types of wines from the oldest to the youngest. I’ve never really liked red wine (it’s too strong for me) so my favorite would have to be the white one from I already forgot what year - somewhere in the early 2000s.
I only had a round of each type of wine while the others had as much as they wished ! I focused more on the side dishes served - pretzels, sandwiches, ham… and all for free ! Oh, feels like heaven.
They sell different kinds of wines from all ages for at least 20 Euros. But that did not interest me as of that moment.If I ever get the chance to go back to Saint Jean again, I will definitely not miss the visit to the vineyard, that’s for sure !