Paris, France Day 3 : Novembre 2012

On my last post, I left you with a suspense. We’ll get onto that tomorrow (or on another day) but for now, let’s keep the merriment going.
November 1 is a holiday in France, too. Last night, just before heading home, Flo and I met his friends Fakr and JM and had a round of drinks. We all went back to Flo’s apartment by midnight and they continued their party there along with Flo’s roommate’s friends while I, after having been introduced and being anti-social that night (not to mention missing my boyfriend so much), locked myself up in the room and Skyped with my boyfriend.
I sensed they finished by morning (around 7h if memory serves me right). Our scheduled visit to the Louvre was then pushed later that afternoon, around 16h, just in time for the sunset.
This time around, I had not one but two guides with me: Flo and his friend Fakr.
There was not enough time to get in the museum and I had to set that aside for this trip. Fakr suggests we walk down Champs Elysées instead of taking the metro to Arc de Triomphe. Seeing as it is not far from sight, I agreed to his proposal.
The Parisian urban planning is magnificent. The parallelism makes it seem like going to one place to another is of short distance. What an illusion. We started walking around 16h30 from the Louvre and reached l’Arc de Triomphe at around 19h !

On the way I stumbled upon my cours d’été (summer school) friends by accident. They were on their way to this chic restaurant. I intended to go but it was far too expensive for my budget… Nevertheless, it was nice to see friends again especially Javier! Too bad I was not able to take a photo with him.
At 2’C - 5’C and walking along Champs Elysées under the drizzle, I have to say, I’m a survivor !