Mornings in Rouen, a retrospect

Mornings in Rouen

Mornings in Rouen would always start with coffee. Definitely.

I would wake up, stay in bed for a few minutes until I gather enough courage to roll my body in the other side of the bed, pull myself up, give myself a nice stretch then carry my legs down to the floor. Finally, I push myself up.

Slowly, I make my way to my kitchen. Lucky me, it's literally three large strides from my bed. In the morning though, it's six times farther than that with my small, lazy steps.

I proceed with heating up water on my small water heater. It's so small, it can literally fill up only a single cup of coffee. Might as well just drink coffee from there, no?

Kidding aside, as I wait for water to boil, I give myself a splash on my face and empty my bladder. By then, the water's just about ready. In some days, I heat milk from the stove. When I do that, I monitor the pot as water can spill fast when heated and left unattended.

I pour one tablespoon of coffee on my transparent mug - I love that mug - or my gray ceramic cup, and that about jump starts my day. Sometimes, when I'm awake enough, I'd eat a cup of muesli with almond milk and sliced fruits.

On slower days, I do 10-minute yoga/meditation before I hit the shower. I miss how I have time and energy to do my hair and make up. I like how I can play dress up. Once Iā€™m ready to face the world, I pull open the drapes to let some sunshine in. My room faces east so I get to enjoy the early morning sun rays. In winter, those rays can be rare pieces of crystal gems that heats your skin.

I check social media for a while, maybe read through a few pages of my books, definitely take a picture for myself. Sometimes, I'd even record a video log!

Just before I hit the door, I take a quick scan over my planner just so I'm sure I can attend to my tasks for the day.

I miss those quiet, slow mornings in my dorm in Rouen. I long for them everyday.