Monaco, the second time around !


Two months following my first trip to Monaco with my summer school friends, I revisited this chic principality this time with two of my co-Erasmus Mundus scholars, ate Jeanne and my previous org adviser / prof, Roger! (Feels so strange to be calling you without ‘Sir’ attached before your name lol)Roger had some time off from school so from Austria he flew in to Nice, France. He only had a few days and fortunately, one of those few, I get to take him to the nearby principality of Monaco.


The weather was kinder this time around. It was scourging hot on August which makes the autumn air much friendlier to my skin ergo much more convenient to sight-see.

I have only been here once and those places only look familiar to me yet I still have no mastery of the place. Ate Jeanne, who has been in France for more than a year knows this place like she lives here because she’s gone here a couple of times. We went to the more common places like the famous Monte Carlo casino…


…and the royal palace up hill.

I get to appreciate Monaco the second time around. I actually appreciate places more the second, third, fourth… time I visit them than the first and only time. For me a one day trip does not give you the experience. But I understand if that is the only opportunity given to you. Thank God for the opportunity I had, I was able to come back to places like these which was simply a one Euro bus ride away from Nice !
