Posts tagged Paris
When in Paris: Chapelle Expiatoire

Tucked away in the 8th arrondissement, the Chapelle Expiatoire sits quietly at 29 Rue Pasquier, inside the Louis XVI Square. Constructed by Louis XVIII, on the site where King Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette were initially buried after their gruesome executions during the French Revolution, the chapel serves as a reminder of the tumultuous events that unfolded in the late 18th century.

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TravelLeniParis, FranceComment
Silent Sanctuary at the 5th

I've often marveled at my own predilection for the fifth district, despite its challenging terrain and limited public transportation. It is not merely a matter of convenience but a deeper longing. It's a place of serenity, a sanctuary where the soul is free to contemplate, where voices are heard without judgment or the need to argue, and where time flows at its own pace, unhurried by the clamor of the world.

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When in Paris: Centre Pompidou

The Centre Pompidou, often referred to simply as Beaubourg, is an iconic cultural institution nestled in the historic Marais (4th) district of Paris. This bold statement of modernity is the perfect backdrop for the incredible collection it houses. My visit to Centre Pompidou was an experience that left me both enthralled and exhausted.

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TravelLeniParis, FranceComment
Shopping for Clothes in Paris

I have always tried to avoid shopping for clothes in Paris because of the crowded stores, grumpy salespeople, high prices, and unfamiliar protocols. I found comfort in Uniqlo, a Japanese brand known for its affordable and quality clothing that matches my style. However, I recently took a leap to explore upscale brands like Jonak, Maison123, Caroll, Sézane, Sessun, and Comptoir de Cotonnier. As I have evolved beyond my 20s, I am excited to explore new fashion horizons in Paris.

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When in Paris: The Art Squat of Paris

So, you’ve been to the Louvre, Orsay, and Rodin museums and are on the look for a different set of art. Consider going to 59 Rue Rivoli, also known as The Art Squat of Paris. This conspicuously Hausmanian building along the street of Rivoli houses galleries and studios of counterculture art.

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TravelLeniParis, FranceComment