The Kilo Shop


As always, five minutes before class, I would have an inner battle with myself whether to go to class or not. Five minutes later, I would find myself in the classroom. Of course, despite the loss of motivation, the better part of me would force myself to do the right thing.Except that today, at the thirtieth minute after the start of class, our professor informed us by phone call that she couldn’t make it. Not wanting to waste the time I already spent going out, Lino and I went to the city center to discover this shop I recently came across to: The Kilo Shop.

The Kilo Shop

The Kilo Shop

The idea is, instead of paying for each item you want to buy, you weigh them instead. The price is determined by category (indicated by color) and of course, the weight. Items in red are for 20 EUR a kilo, in yellow or green are 30 EUR per kilo and in orange at 60 EUR per kilo. There are items categorized in white, meaning they have fixed prices and are not to be weighed.It’s the French version of our ukay-ukay back in the Philippines. Most, if not all, of the items such as clothes, scarves, bags are previously used or second-hand. As to where they get it from, I have no idea.Today, however, I did not find anything interesting. I’ll check back a few weeks from now, maybe I can find an interesting set of clothes to add or replace my current wardrobe.

Kilo Shop Rouen

Address: 3 Rue Basnage, 76000 Rouen
Bus: TEOR 1,2,3  stop Cathédrale