Career change, crystals - let's catch up?

Has it been over a month since I have filled this space with passing thoughts? Oh wow, then let’s have a quick catch-up, shall we? Since then, a surprising, slight change in my career brought a whirlwind of unstable energy that led me to discover and cling to lithotherapy.

Now, if you're wondering what lithotherapy is, you're not alone! I was in the same boat until I stumbled upon it myself. Essentially, it's all about using the energy of crystals to find balance and harmony in your life. Sounds pretty cool, right?

So there I was, diving headfirst into this newfound interest, collecting crystals. Labradorite, sunstone, amethyst – you name it, I probably bought it. And let me tell you, each one has its own vibe, its own energy that just draws you in.

But here's where things get interesting – the kiosk where I bought my first crystal bracelets, conveniently located near my current workspace magically disappeared one day, leaving me to fend for myself in the wild world of crystal hunting. But no matter, I found one other shop with a lovely store attendee who helps guide me through my succeeding purchases. My crystal collection has only grown since then. From emerald to lapis lazuli to sodalite, I've amassed quite a little treasure trove.

And let's not forget about the people I've met along the way:

  • a Brazilian residing in Lille exploring Paris,

  • a Canadian city neighbor who's become a weekend buddy,

  • a new American colleague invited me to climb.

  • a Filipina who connected with me through LinkedIn and turned out to be my neighbor and is a friend of a friend of a friend. Small world! It's funny how life has a way of bringing people together.

Of course, amidst all the hustle and bustle, I've made sure to carve out some quiet time for myself. There's something so therapeutic about exploring the hidden nooks and crannies of the city, discovering little gems that you might have otherwise overlooked.

I’ve also had driving lessons because yes, the prospect of me driving in France will become more of a necessity in the future. It was alright, but I would be more comfortable if I take more hours so I’m trying to figure out how that fits my schedule and budget. Hmmm…

And then, just when I thought things were settling down, illness reared its ugly head. I've been sick for almost three weeks now and on the second-week mark, I had to rush to the emergency room, my first time in France. This will lead me again to another topic, but I hope I can also give space and time to sit down and write my thoughts on that. It was a bit of a scare, I won't lie, but it also gave me a new perspective on life and the importance of taking care of ourselves.

All in all, it has been a turbulent past few weeks. I'm hoping that with the new season approaching, a more stable and energy-sustainable period is about to unfold! With my chosen word of the year: "flourish" guiding my journey, I think I’m ready to embrace whatever comes my way, crystals in hand, and hmm, I can only hope that my health is getting better so that I’ll be all set!
