Half way through 2024

Hey there! So, let me tell you about the first half of 2024—it's been quite a journey here in my fourth year in France. January kicked off with me finally getting my French residence permit sorted. It was a huge relief, finally feeling like I could settle in. I was discretely juggling job interviews and trying to wrap my head around Portuguese classes—which I thoroughly enjoyed. It gave me a sense of progress and a goal to achieve for the year ahead.

Then February rolled around, and it was this whirlwind of uncertainty. I stumbled upon this adorable shop in Paris that sold these little charms locals swear by for luck. It got me thinking about spirituality too (which I previously wrote about here)—I found this peaceful spot for meditation in the city that became my refuge. I met some amazing people along the way, each adding their own touch to my Parisian adventure.

March was a bit of a rollercoaster. I had some much-needed alone time to reflect, which was nice but also challenging. And then, bam! I got hit with this nasty bug that knocked me off my feet. It was a reminder to slow down and take care of myself, you know? But through it all, I found comfort in simple things—books, tea, and the friends who checked in on me.

April was all about embracing change. I took a spontaneous trip to Dijon, which was beautiful but also came with its own set of challenges. Plus, I was transitioning jobs, saying goodbye to one chapter and diving headfirst into another, faster than I could realize. It was daunting, but exciting too—like standing at the edge of a cliff and deciding to leap.

May brought a fresh start with a new job. The farewell from my old colleagues was bittersweet, but the support from friends and family, even from afar, meant the world to me. It was a reminder of how important those connections are, you know? And amidst the chaos of starting something new, I found moments of clarity and growth that reaffirmed why I'm here.

I have had several conversations with people in the same plight as me. One remarkable conversation that got me thinking was when I was asked if I was open to going back to the Philippines, if I see myself living elsewhere than France, or if I plan to settle definitively in France. A few months ago, the answer would’ve been straightforward (I want to explore living somewhere else). But the fact that I hesitated to answer was a revelation to me. I am genuinely starting to enjoy life here. More on that soon!

Then June hit, and I had another health scare—a wake-up call. Turns out, I needed to rethink my approach to self-care. So, I started focusing more on my diet and making time for exercise and mindfulness. It’s the missing piece to an otherwise comprehensively healthy lifestyle. It's a work in progress, but I'm learning to listen to my body and give it the care it deserves.

Looking back this first half of 2024 has been quite a ride along the theme I imposed myself at the beginning of the year - flourish. Everybody knows living abroad is filled with challenges and discoveries. It's not always easy, especially forming deep connections in a new place, but I've come to appreciate the little moments and the friendships that grow over time. Belongingness/connection is where I struggle the most if you have read my previous posts.

I'd love to hear about your adventures too—how have you been navigating change and discovery in your own life lately? Let's swap stories and keep this conversation going.