Posts in Blog
Career change, crystals - let's catch up?

Has it been over a month since I have filled this space with passing thoughts? Oh wow, then let’s have a quick catch-up, shall we? All in all, it has been a turbulent month. We're turning into a new season, and a more stable and energy-sustainable period, I'm hoping! The first quarter of 2024 is behind, but so far it's still looking aligned with my word of the year: flourish!

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An all too familiar feeling, yet again

I find myself trapped in a paradox of disinterest, where even the things that once sparked joy now feel like distant memories. The aroma of coffee, once a beacon of hope in the morning fog, now fails to coax me from my slumber. But perhaps, just perhaps, there's a glimmer of hope on the horizon.

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Despair or is it just Life?

In the quiet corners of my mind, I confront the notion that the desire to die isn't always a plea for death but rather a yearning to cease to exist. It's a nuanced distinction or a plea for respite from the relentless cacophony of thoughts and emotions. Yet, paradoxically, the fear of death persists, an instinctual response even when numbed by the proximity of mortality.

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The Triumph of Subtlety

Algorithm brought me to watch a recently released TedEd video on The Most Devastating Asteroid to Hit Earth. Intrigued, I clicked on it. It took me on a journey through time and catastrophe. The video's true moral may have been different, a lesson carefully crafted by its educators. The message I took away was a reminder that one's existence and significance are not diminished by a lack of grandeur. Sometimes, survival demands a willingness to be discreet, to rest when needed, and to draw strength from the understated aspects of our existence.

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Where I Identify as an INFJ

INFJ, an acronym denoting Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Judging, encapsulates a personality type known for its depth and complexity. Here are some characteristics that deeply resonate with me as an INFJ.

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An Enigmatic Desire to Disappear

For a time, I found myself lost in reverie, contemplating the idea of slipping away from the world without a trace. It's a concept that feels both elusive and enticing, a realm where one could simply evaporate into obscurity.

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What is luxury?

Luxury, at its core, materializes when we find pleasure in what is scarce—an experience that differs greatly among individuals. It is a deeply personal concept, shaped by our unique circumstances and desires.

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Journaling Insights from June 2023

As this month draws to a close, I renew my relationship with journaling and its power to capture thoughts and emotions and that in those passing thoughts, we can find small bits of wisdom - like a faithful companion, lending a listening ear, offering sage advice, when the world seems to fall short.

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Life's quiet wonders

Amidst the nostalgia and longing for my travels, I often overlook the simple treasures that await me when the roads fade away. I list down moments and things that I hold dear within the sanctuary of home, acknowledging that appreciation can be found in both the pursuit of a wanderlust-filled journey and the moments of stillness at home.

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