Reflections on Humanity Through a Reality Show

The human experience is complex and multifaceted, constantly shaped by our interactions with others and the society in which we live. Often, it takes a unique perspective or a seemingly unrelated event to prompt deeper contemplation about our shared humanity. I want to explore my reflections on humanity, triggered by watching the Netflix reality show "The Circle Brasil," and how this seemingly trivial source of entertainment has unveiled profound insights into human behavior, trust, and authenticity.

The Taboo of Swearing and Self-Presentation

In my (if not most) professional environment, discussions about taboo topics such as swearing are generally discouraged. A team-building icebreaker question about one's preferred swear word prompted me to ponder the masks we often wear in our daily lives. It became evident that in the circle of colleagues participating in the exercise, most chose light and cute expressions, reflecting the workplace culture's formality and restraint.

This observation led me to contemplate the nature of activities like these, designed not for individuals to express their true selves but to showcase a carefully curated version of themselves. While not necessarily inauthentic, these presentations are not deeply factual either. In this context, I couldn't help but think about the Filipino expression "leche," which, in Spanish, means "milk." In the Philippines, it is used as an expression of frustration or disappointment, showcasing how language can be adapted and transformed in various cultural contexts.

Linguistic Richness and Emotional Expressions in Portuguese

As I rewatched "The Circle Brasil," I was reminded of one of the Portuguese cuss words I had learned and why I was initially fascinated by this language. Brazilian Portuguese is renowned for its emotionally-charged expressions, such as "nossa" and "meu deus," but perhaps none is as vivid as "eita porra." These expressions, as well as many other casual phrases, I learned from watching the show.

Despite its trashy reputation, I found myself rewatching "The Circle Brasil" multiple times, mainly because of its linguistic richness. The banter between contestants was remarkably vivid, and when I had the opportunity for authentic encounters during my two trips to Brazil, I found these expressions even more relatable.

"The Circle" Reality Show and Authenticity?

"The Circle" is a Netflix reality show that revolves around contestants living in an apartment complex, communicating only through a social media platform called "The Circle." They can choose to present themselves truthfully or adopt a different persona to win the game (much like what I said above at the workplace). Contestants rate each other, and the least-liked players risk elimination.

Like most reality shows, there is room to doubt the authenticity of the exchanges on "The Circle." Having been exposed to the media industry's inner workings, I know how reality shows can be edited and manipulated to create scenarios that generate buzz. Nonetheless, the show is still revelatory of human behavior in a way that disquiets me.

Revelations About Human Behavior

Through "The Circle Brasil," I have observed the challenges of trust and authenticity in human relationships. The show illuminates the difficulties we face in finding, having, and maintaining sincere and genuine connections, especially in an environment where deception is incentivized. It demonstrates how manipulative people can become when striving to win, and how the virtual world can breed further distrust.

The show also reveals how people's perceptions of others can shift dramatically in different circumstances. It paints a picture of a dog-eat-dog world where individuals are willing to do almost anything to get ahead, often revealing their true colors, especially when money or personal gain is at stake.

"The Circle Brasil" may be just another reality show on Netflix, but it has the power to provoke reflections on the human condition. Through the lens of this show, I have gained insights into our inherent complexities, our capacity for manipulation, and the fragility of trust and authenticity in our interactions. It serves as a reminder of the challenges we face in forming genuine connections in a world that often prioritizes appearances and self-interest. In the end, "The Circle Brasil" has offered me a fascinating glimpse into the complexities of human behavior, leaving me with questions and reflections on what it truly means to be human.
