What is luxury?

Lately, I have dedicated both time and energy to the contemplation of purchasing what, to me, is an expensive bag. Yet, amidst this consuming endeavor, I stopped to think and allowed myself a moment of introspection. Why does this decision demand such a draining effort? Should it not be a simple choice? Taking this as a sign, I refrained from making the purchase. A wise financial choice. (Good job, self.)

This contemplation then led me to question why I coveted this supposedly luxurious item when, not long ago, I found myself ridiculing it (privately). The catalyst for this reflection emerged from various sources: a thought-provoking podcast, enlightening conversations with family, intriguing observations with friends, media trends, documentaries, and even an academic program in a reputable business school. Moreover, I encountered a finance-themed video that questioned, discussed, and criticized the notion of travel, which initially made me feel attacked. However, deep down, I recognized the necessity of hearing such perspectives.

The question lingered within me: What is luxury? For the longest time, I associated luxury with material possessions and esteemed brands with ridiculously high prices - Hermes, Dior, Chanel. It’s only very recently that I learned the differences between a “high-street brand” and a “luxury brand”. It’s reminiscent of that viral anecdote of a young hailing-from-a-middle-class-family Filipina who was excited to unbox a Charles and Keith bag, a gift from her father. Yet, upon further contemplation, I came to a profound realization. I had an overly simplistic view of what is luxurious. I have come to realize over a few days of reflection that luxury encompasses anything that brings pleasure to an individual, be it tangible or intangible. So I asked, given this definition, what is to me if I don’t find myself plunged into branded items? It took several days for me to come up with a direct answer. For me, it encompasses the joys of travel, the gift of time, and the ability to choose a minimalist lifestyle—an existence that signifies my upbringing in a realm of abundance.

Through my dedicated efforts and hard work, I carved a path where travel became an integral part of my life. In pursuing this lifestyle, I had failed to perceive the privileged position it emanated from—an existence far from the norm, as B, often reminds me when attempting to rein in my expenses related to travel. However, I now comprehend that the ability to indulge in such experiences, to allocate my resources accordingly, is, in itself, a luxurious endeavor.

Amidst my previous mockery and derision of luxury as a symbol of the elite (coming from an extremely gauchiste upbringing - that I’m currently questioning too but more on that later), I gradually realized that I, too, observed it from a privileged standpoint. Pleasure, as derived from luxury, manifests in diverse forms, ranging from a pristine living space to a sumptuous meal. Sometimes, it could even be the occasional indulgence in takeout due to budgetary constraints, representing a fleeting moment of opulence for others. In this revelation, I discovered that the simplest of life's pleasures can indeed be deemed luxurious. Furthermore, I now recognize that in today's world, time and undivided attention have become my personal sources of indulgence.

I now see that our gratification from experiencing luxury is also a sign that we’ve progressed (or it’s the exact opposite: the deprivation from opulence could be a sign of regression). I remember how I perceived local Filipino brands like Bench or Penshoppe were high-end brands when I was in high school. When I started earning money from my student jobs, I could permit myself to buy from Bayo or Kamiseta, which I perceived as even more expensive brands. Now that I’m a working adult, I tend to see these brands as more “affordable” options. It’s like a step-up or a level-up. Although, I must say that it has stopped there since I made lifestyle changes that no longer required any more attention to this thought.

I digress. Going back…

Luxury, at its core, materializes when we find pleasure in what is rare or scarce—an experience that differs greatly among individuals. It is a deeply personal concept, shaped by our unique circumstances and desires. This introspective journey, although indirectly prompted by external influences, has humbled me. Initially, I experienced a sense of discomfort, feeling unworthy of the recognition. However, upon reflection, I identified that this discomfort stemmed from my inclination to flaunt my privileged experiences on social media. Transforming this initial negativity, I embraced a profound sense of gratitude instead.

It’s a revelation to me. I guess I never gave it so much thought before because I never felt I belong in that kind of world, although sometimes it feels tempting. Further self-examining throughout the years, I realized that it’s deeply rooted in the recurring theme of my musings: belongingness and acceptance. And I’m glad I’m able to define where I want to find and feel this - which I didn’t and probably still don’t in those luxurious items. Now, I can belong to conversations but I don’t necessarily have to subscribe to the possession of these items. Sometimes I falter, but I’m glad I have the time and space to step back and give it a necessary thought. Which, come to think of it, is a luxury too, right? The wisdom and the ability to be able to not give in to your impulses? No?

Exploring luxury has guided me on my endless path of self-reflection and enlightenment. I have come to realize that luxury is not confined to the material realm; rather, it encapsulates the pursuit of pleasure in both the extraordinary and the mundane. As I navigate this newfound understanding, I strive to approach luxury with a sense of humility, appreciating the profound value it adds to my life.
