Posts in Travel
Last full day in Berlin

As we rode through the city - along Alexanderplatz, Tiergarten, and the Brandenburg gate, the lights and sounds of Berlin at night created a sense of calm and relaxation. It was a great way to end a day filled with unexpected moments and delightful encounters, and my six-day stay with old friends in Berlin.

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Berlin Alternative Tour

Reflecting on today’s experience, I realized that art can be expressed in various forms and that there are different paths to success. Sometimes, it requires taking risks, breaking the rules, and thinking outside the box. The tour made me appreciate the talent and creativity of artists and the value of their work.

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Unraveling Berlin's Past

I realized that I'm only starting to grasp the philosophy and politics behind German history. Until today, I only had a brief and the most basic understanding of its complex history, and I don't know if I will ever fully comprehend how and why it operates as it is now, but here’s a start.

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TravelLeniBerlin, GermanyComment
Berlin Commuter Saga

In spite of the confusion and the lack of signage, I managed to reach my destination safely. It was one heck of a ride, but it made my trip to Berlin more memorable. So, if you're planning to travel to Berlin, make sure to take note of these tips.

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TravelLeniBerlin, GermanyComment
In the Heart of Belo Horizonte

In the afternoon, I found myself in the bustling city of Belo Horizonte. Known to the locals as BH (pronounced /be-a-ga/), Belo is a city located in southeastern Brazil, in the state of Minas Gerais, known for its hilly topography and rich cultural heritage, with influences from Portuguese colonialism, African culture, and indigenous traditions.

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