In my corner of the internet, I attempt to take you through the quiet moments of travel, where the destination is less important than the experience itself. With a focus on slow travel, self-discovery, and the beauty of stillness, I invite you to embrace a life that isn’t defined by fast-paced adventures, but by the stories and moments in the in-betweens, in the almosts, in the quiet.
Read MoreWith the Chinese New Year festivities around the corner, it feels like another invitation to reset. Another chance to step into the newness of things, to realign and embrace the energy of what’s to come. No pressure, no rigid resolutions - just a conscious unfolding, a gentle allowing.
Read MoreFor a long time, I was no exception to this universal tendency. When asked, "Who are you?" my instinctual response would mirror the tasks and responsibilities that consumed my daily life. But as the poet Rumi once wisely penned, "Do not be satisfied with the stories that come before you. Unfold your own myth." It was time for me to untangle my identity from the constraints of societal expectations.
Read MoreAs someone who generally enjoys being by myself, I often receive curious or pitying comments from others who don't fully understand why I choose to be alone. It's difficult to fully express in a few words why I feel so comfortable in my own company. Here is an attempt to explain how and why (I learned to) enjoy my own company.
Read MoreUpdating, decluttering and reorganizing your cabinet is a great way to be more mindful of clothing choices. Choosing a particular color palette can help streamline the wardrobe and make it easy to mix and match, while still allowing for personal expression. By adapting your wardrobe to your new climate - the changing seasons, taking inspiration from your surroundings, and exploring your personal sense of style, you can create a wardrobe that truly reflects who you are.
Read MoreGoing through my bookmarks page was a humbling experience. It reminded me that life is full of unexpected twists and turns, and sometimes our dreams change along the way as we continue to navigate life as we get older. But even if we don't end up pursuing our dreams from our youth, the lessons and skills we learn from them will always be a part of our present.
Read MoreI have arrived at this simple three-step skincare after going through different phases in life, being exposed to different conditions and situations and trying several different products. At this point in my life, incorporating facial wash, moisturizer, retinol, and sunscreen into my skincare routine help achieve healthy skin.
Read MoreSometime in March 2022, upon coming home tired and confused from work, I broke down. It started with a comment ça va? from B, our usual, seemingly routinary exchange. One thing led to another, and I started wailing uncontrollably. I knew right then and there that I needed help.
Read MoreThere are countless benefits I got from yoga/meditation. How I wish I can find the right and exact words to describe them one by one. But in one word, I can sum it up to clarity.
Read MoreMy Korean journey is a story that dates back to 2004.
Read MoreI gave in and had my food intolerance test one Tuesday afternoon at Life Science Center, Taguig. After a month of receiving the results, I have achieved what I wanted in the first place: be more informed with the food I am eating. I have been better at food prep and been eating mostly fresh, organic food: vegetables and fruits. I also have slept better since. The combination of all these three types of medicine - traditional, alternative and functional - is a holistic approach that will make you have better control of your health.
Read MoreOutside of these classes and organized trips and activities, I also practiced my Lithuanian with my encounters and everyday personal exchanges and activities in the supermarkets, cinemas, restaurants, shops and even in the streets, really, which obviously helped tremendously in my progress.
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