The Neverlands

The Netherlands seem to be an elusive destination. There were many attempts to schedule a trip there, countless even. No particular number comes to mind. The desire to go there is evident. Yet, life always had a way to say no. Why is that?

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Thoughts from an email alert

My summer intent included going to France to file some legal papers and my third (and supposedly final) year of Lithuanian scholarship. As I listened intently yet passively to the plans of the French government for the lifting of the confinement on May 11, an email was sent to my inbox by the Lithuanian summer language coordinator.

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Thoughts from today's grocery run

Here are my raw, uncensored and honest thoughts while exposed, at risk yet comfortably sitting from one meter apart from the next person, a roof over my head to protect me from the extreme summer heat. Needless to say, here are my thoughts from my, admittedly, privileged standpoint. Read with caution.

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