Despair or is it just Life?

In the quiet corners of my mind, I confront the notion that the desire to die isn't always a plea for death but rather a yearning to cease to exist. It's a nuanced distinction or a plea for respite from the relentless cacophony of thoughts and emotions. Yet, paradoxically, the fear of death persists, an instinctual response even when numbed by the proximity of mortality.

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The Triumph of Subtlety

Algorithm brought me to watch a recently released TedEd video on The Most Devastating Asteroid to Hit Earth. Intrigued, I clicked on it. It took me on a journey through time and catastrophe. The video's true moral may have been different, a lesson carefully crafted by its educators. The message I took away was a reminder that one's existence and significance are not diminished by a lack of grandeur. Sometimes, survival demands a willingness to be discreet, to rest when needed, and to draw strength from the understated aspects of our existence.

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Silent Sanctuary at the 5th

I've often marveled at my own predilection for the fifth district, despite its challenging terrain and limited public transportation. It is not merely a matter of convenience but a deeper longing. It's a place of serenity, a sanctuary where the soul is free to contemplate, where voices are heard without judgment or the need to argue, and where time flows at its own pace, unhurried by the clamor of the world.

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Dordogne Travel Diary

The weekend at M's enchanting village had come to an end, but the memories and reflections on the simple, undisrupted, and slow life in the countryside would forever linger in my heart. Perhaps, one day, I would heed this call to embrace a more peaceful existence away from the hustle and bustle of the city, just as I had always envisioned.

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When in Paris: Centre Pompidou

The Centre Pompidou, often referred to simply as Beaubourg, is an iconic cultural institution nestled in the historic Marais (4th) district of Paris. This bold statement of modernity is the perfect backdrop for the incredible collection it houses. My visit to Centre Pompidou was an experience that left me both enthralled and exhausted.

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TravelLeniParis, FranceComment
Who are we? If not what we do.

For a long time, I was no exception to this universal tendency. When asked, "Who are you?" my instinctual response would mirror the tasks and responsibilities that consumed my daily life. But as the poet Rumi once wisely penned, "Do not be satisfied with the stories that come before you. Unfold your own myth." It was time for me to untangle my identity from the constraints of societal expectations.

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Where I Identify as an INFJ

INFJ, an acronym denoting Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Judging, encapsulates a personality type known for its depth and complexity. Here are some characteristics that deeply resonate with me as an INFJ.

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