Those who choose to stay

Since childhood, I’ve never felt comfortable with what I am and what I have become. I’ve always thought I was not good enough; that what I have now I got not because I am good at what I do or because I deserve it but because somehow, I made and tried to make it work – even if it wasn’t meant for me.

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B is for Bangkok, Bestfriend and Boyfriend

With my black suitcase and trusty old red backpack ready, I’m set to take on a new adventure to my first ever trip to an Asian country – Thailand! To add more excitement to that, I would be travelling with my best friend of more than a decade, Kat, to support and witness her first ever participation to an international conference. But that’s not all! I was also set to meet B after four long months!

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How to let go

I don’t regret the effort and time I spent trying to make it work. I would have regretted if I didn’t at least try to make it work. I am, however, regretting something that is yet to happen, or rather, something that is not going to happen.

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